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Stories about Justin

Authors favorite photos ~
  • Name : Chasity Boyce

  • Subject : My Justin

  • Message : I have so many amazing memories of Justin. From the first time I met him I knew he was special. I remember asking Doug, "is he really this well behaved? He's so polite and sweet!" I was thinking, he's a teenager, where's the attitude?! He was always so kind to me. I always felt welcomed into his world with his dad. Justin and Doug liked to play little jokes on me. They would always start a joke and they would feed off of each other! I am gullible and always fell for it. One of my favorite memories was Christmas day one year. Justin and I got to trick Doug. I was so stoked to finally be on the other end! Justin and I had picked out this special electric razor that Doug wanted. Well, I wrapped it up in a box from one of Doug's old tools. I then pre warned Doug ahead of time, saying "So I let Justin pick out your gift all by himself at Home Depot. It may be something you already have, so just pretend you are so excited and wanted it." Doug was "on board" and ready xmas morning. I had the camera ready and captured it all. Doug was appreciative of the "2nd skill saw" and me and Justin were cracking up! We then told him to open it up and he was so shocked, we got him good! I got awesome pictures of them both laughing and hugging. Easily the best Christmas. Another good story was Justin and I were going to the store. I was driving and joking about how we shouldn't use our phones and drive. Well, I was stopped at a light and checked my phone. The light turned green and I started to go forward. I was legitimately trying to put my phone back into my purse and I ended up swiping the side of my tire on the center median of the oncoming lane! Justin was cracking up saying "riiiight, that's why we don't use our phone and drive!" It was totally deserved and I was laughing too. I can think of multiple times when Justin would come home from school and I'd be watching some show like 16 and pregnant or some british teen show and I would say "Hey come watch this with me". He would take one look at the show and say "ya, ummm I gotta...umm....I have homework" Hahaha, I'd always laugh and try to get him to watch with me, no luck though. Was a comical occurrence. I used to always buy Doug and Justin clothes. I love to shop and always found things I though they would like. Justin was always appreciative and acted like he love what I found for him. I know there had to be some things he didn't like, but he never showed it. I like to think he didn't want to hurt my feelings. He would wear the item at least once. I was pretty good with shoes though! I had a couple bad choices, but they were fixed by just bringing him back with me for an exchange. I remember picking out Vans one time.... not so cool evidently. Well, Justin went with me for the exchange and picked out boat shoes! I really enjoyed out family dinners. I would cook dinner, and whether it was good or not I would never be told it was bad by Justin. Doug was sometimes a little more honest. I knew when it didn't turn out right..... but Justin would always go for seconds. I really just enjoyed us all sitting at the table. We each had our same seat. Doug to my right, Justin across from me. One Christmas we were at my grandmas and Justin opened a Snuggy from my grandma. Now, I know he was not excited on the inside, but he put that leopard print Snuggy on and thanked my grandma. He was smiling and wore it for a good 30 minutes while we were there. -I have pics to prove it!- It was very sweet of him and made my grandma happy. He was always doing for others, very selfless. I can still hear the noise he would make every time he walked through the front door. It was like "yeeeee" kinda high pitched, carried for a quick second. I miss his noises. I miss his humor. His smiles. His jokes. Even his stinky hockey gear. I miss his everything. His presence made our house a home. Justin was more than special. He was my husband's best friend. I would give anything to bring him back to Doug. He was his light. Justin made an impact in my life that I cannot even begin to describe. He has shown me what unconditional love is. Through his relationship with Doug I fell more deeply in love with my little family. We had it good, we had good times. I have my memories and I can visit them in my heart. I will always love you Justin. I know we will all be together again as a family.

  • Name : Hauntie

  • Subject : 2 years old

  • Message : I had the immense honor to babysit you and Sierra. We had so much fun. I have many photos of you growing up. My favorites is a three-way tie. The homemade diapers, because we ran out. Falling asleep in the spaghetti-o's. The Desitin face painting. You are such a love. You always hugged like you meant it. I miss that.

  • Name Yvonne Boyce (Auntie)

  • Subject JustinBug

  • Message I remember taking Justin and Sierra to the Rose Parade one year and all three of us pushed our way to the front so they could see. We had glow in the dark necklaces on and we were all bundled up since it was freezing cold out that day. His dad (my brother) showed up shortly after we got there and we enjoyed a freezing cold night of the floats, glow in the dark necklaces and what they said were "crazy people in downtown". I miss you and love you Justin and I think about you every day.

  • Name : Heather Anderson (Neighbor)

  • Subject : That. Pink. Helmet.

  • Message : Your son, from the moment you became part of 65th CT, was amazing. When we moved in and started our family, all the other children in the neighborhood were so much older. As our kids grew, they just didn't have playmates other then each other. But when Justin arrived, he always smiled and welcomed their adoring attention. Whether J was riding his bike or playing street hockey, he always allowed Evan and Hollyn to join him. He never once showed any of the normal teenage annoyance at my little pests. Evan would come home, simply amazed at the tricks J could do on his bike, or the shots J let Evan score on him. Hollyn couldn't believe that "that boy" had a pink helmet. At one of your famous backyard BBQ's, Justin let Hollyn crawl all over him in the hot tub. Not many teenagers let a 5-year-old girl use them as a jungle gym. I'm fairly certain that J was Hollyn's first crush. One of the things that sticks in my mind the most is Justin's smile. Every time he rode by our house or we encountered him blocks away on his bike, he waved and smiled that smile. It wasn't the "hello-my-dumb-old-neighbors" smile that teenage boys feel required to give. It was the "hey-neighbors-good-to-see-you" smile. It was a genuine, happy-kid smile. I know...I KNOW, that if Justin were still here, he would be teaching Evan amazing bike tricks. I KNOW he wouldn't bat an eye to ride to the corner mini-mart with Evan. I KNOW he would tickle Hollyn until they were both red in the face. Since he can't do that, Evan will be that person for Roman. Your family is amazing and having you as part of our 65th CT family has been amazing. Chapters have come and gone and new ones are being written as we speak. Thank you for sharing Justin with us for even just a few years. We are all better for knowing him.

  • Name : Allie G. (highschool Friend)

  • Justin Boyce was such a great guy. He always knew how to lighten everybody's mood up. He was always filled of jokes making everyone laugh it was never a dull moment with him! There were so many great times we all shared together. He just always knew how to make everyone laugh whether it was shouting AYO randomly or just quoting any funny movie. Like the time he answered one of the teachers phones saying "Buddy the Elf what's your favorite color" when I heard about that it came to no surprise! He was always so funny. My favorite memory with Justin was when me and Natalie wanted to go off campus but we weren't able to due to our grades. Justin was the only one that had good enough grades to get off campus.. So me and Natalie are in the trunk of my huge red suburban that Renee sees us drive off every day, and Justin, no license I don't even know if he even had his permit at the time is sneaking us off. Which I am sure Renee knew we were in the back.. It's not like we were ever very discreet. It was just the funniest thing ever and he's just driving as carefully as possible while still being his goofy self cracking jokes and rocking to dub step. Then stops at the light puts it in park and switches me spots. We all miss you everyday Justin! I think everyone was blessed to have even gotten the chance to know you, you were by far the funniest kid in our class.  I will never forget the memories we all got to make together they were by far the best and they will never be forgotten. You are always in my thoughts and prayers hoping you're having fun up there in heaven they are lucky to have you up there. 

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Photo on 2010-06-05 at 20.08
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